BCEC’s Safe Food Commitment

As you may be aware BCEC is certified to ISO22000:2018 an internationally accredited Food Safety Management System.

Our commitment to our clients, patrons and guests is to select and produce only the highest quality and safest products.

ISO22000’s foundation is our Food Safety Plan based on the principles of HACCP (Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points). The program identifies potential food hazards that can enter our food chain and describes the controls and preventative measures at each step within the chain.

BCEC’s Food Safety Plan is reviewed regularly by our Food Safety Team, which is represented by departments that contribute and support our commitment to safe food, they are;

Name Department Email
Julian Gibbs Food & Beverage juliang@bcec.com.au
Julian Hobson Finance julianh@bcec.com.au
John Gaudin Food & Beverage johng@bcec.com.au
David Pugh Kitchen davidp@bcec.com.au
Matthew Arnold Kitchen matthewa@bcec.com.au
Glen Bell Kitchen glenb@bcec.com.au
Carlos Diaz Food & Beverage carlosd@bcec.com.au
Tim Mclean Kitchen
Marlito Carmelo Finance marlitoc@bcec.com.au